Hi, I’m Emily.

When I began coaching creatives and entrepreneurs in 2015, I quickly realized that what I loved most about helping clients was diving deep into the strategy and storytelling involved in getting their businesses up and running online.

Today, I work with talented creatives and entrepreneurs who have been growing their businesses or side hustles for a little while and are ready to go pro with a professional online presence that reflects the quality of their work.

And I’m a creative just like you: when I’m not supporting clients, I’m a cookie artist using cookies to tell stories in unconventional and unforgettable ways.

I understand how hard it can be to get your work out into the world with confidence and clarity. I’ll help you stand out from the crowd with powerful positioning, clear messaging, compelling website copy, and a simple, stylish website that you’ll be able to manage yourself going forward.

I leverage my professional experience in writing and media, my MA in culture and marketing communications, and my professional coach training to zero in on what you have to offer, help you get the word out, and support you every step of the way.

Think of me as your catalyst, cheerleader, and creative collaborator.


MY GOAL is to help you get online in ways that are engaging and persuasive, while still natural, genuine, and totally true to who you are.

MY JOB is to ask you clarifying questions and to listen, to help you see your work with new clarity, to share with you the tools and tips that will help you tell your story authentically, powerfully, and strategically, and to help you realize the vision you have for your business’ online presence.

MY APPROACH is collaborative and holistic, grounded in my love for good design, my work in marketing and communications, my training as a coach, and my years of experience in various creative fields.

TOGETHER we set you apart with crystal clear messaging, powerful positioning, compelling copy, a modern, professional logo, and a simple, stylish Squarespace site so you can level-up your brand, get online with purpose, and grow your business with clarity and confidence.


How’d I get here?

My professional journey has been far from cookie-cutter (it’s involved plenty of cookie-cutters, of course). I’ve performed with the New York Philharmonic, studied food and culture in Europe, made pastry at Chez Panisse, and worked as a food writer, marketing manager, and museum educator after returning to my hometown of NYC.

Through it all, storytelling has always been my jam. It’s a skill and passion I bring to both the services I provide to fellow creatives and to the work I do with cultural institutions and organizations. From communications and coaching to culture to cookie art, I have always explored the ways we express ourselves and understand one another, which is why I love helping clients of all stripes tell their stories.

I can’t wait to hear yours…

